Field Journals

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 7

Night has fallen and Alarca and Geor are still speaking with the others. I tried to join them but Geor ushered me back to my room assuring me all was right and that I should rest. It’s frustrating sitting here not knowing what horrors take […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 6

From my room I can see little in the fading twilight but the alarm bell continues to ring. It is a distant and lonely sound, a child crying out in the night. Geor has spoken of a neighboring town only an hour’s journey away. I […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 5

We have safely arrived! I cannot believe that I, or I should say that we, made it out of the forest. After finding the winding road that runs through those trees we made quicker progress and came upon a small inn. The inn is run […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 4

Dermond’s wound is infected. I fear for his life.

After his collapse I combed through the forest praying to find  anything that could help him until we reached a real healer. My efforts were fruitless. All that grew around us were the Elder Flowers Dermond had […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 3

My memories of the time after the incident in the cave were fractured into pieces by the flat of Dermond’s sword. I shall do my best to recount what befell us.

I opened my eyes. Surprising, so surprising for I had believed in the cave that […]

(Prologue) Notes and Observations – Day 3

This afternoon we broke our steady march to water the horses and rest our feet. Dermond led the cart off the path and, after passing through a thick grove of trees, I was pleased to discover he had brought us to the bank of a […]

(Prologue) Notes and Observations – Day 2

I was torn from a web a dreams that night by the howl of a beast. I lit the small lantern I had requisitioned from the university and, drawing a cloak around my shoulders, stepped from my tent. My companions had done the same. They […]

(Prologue) Notes and Observations – Day 1

Just outside of the city and a few paces off the main road I stumbled across a beautiful bloom of wildflowers, they were many colored and slightly angular. They grew in connected patches away from the shade. I thought I knew all the plant life […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 2

I have only fragments of memories from my time in the cave: noises, screams, breath in the dark, the thick and rich smell of rot, the unearthly glow of the mushrooms deeper within… I shall try to recount them as best as I am able.

It […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 1

Day 1:

This is my first time out of the city and I am equally nervous and excited. We departed early in the morning before the sun had risen above the city walls. The wagon moved slowly but steadily through the muddy ruts of those who […]