We were recently nominated for two categories at the 2014 Baltimore Innovation Awards. Pure Bang Games was nominated for “Best Locally-Designed Indie Video Game” for Deep Dive and our CEO Ben Walsh was nominated for his work with Gamescape under “Artist/Creative Group of the Year”. The events ran all week and culminated in an awards meeting at Under Armour’s HQ on Friday night. We were honored to be nominated and were able to show off our work to hundreds of our local friends and walk away with this:
We thank you all for voting for us and supporting Pure Bang Games. It really means a lot to us.
We’ve been working hard here on a few projects as we build towards bringing you our next original IP that we will be talking about more in the future. This project has us working hard and keeping us busy. For those that were at the awards show, you got to see a glimpse of what is coming through some art concepts we showed off.
On that note, we’re so busy that we’re expanding our staff! We’ve actively been looking for additional programmers and artists to join our team here at Pure Bang Games. Please visit our Jobs page or pass along the info if you know someone who would be a great fit.
We’ve been trying to be more active with our social media presence via Twitter and Facebook, so please make sure that you are following us there for the latest Pure Bang updates!
We look forward to updating you again soon!
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