Blogs and Journals

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 8

I returned shortly before dawn, making my way carefully up the wall and crawling back through the window. My departure seemed to have gone unnoticed: the room appeared to be undisturbed and my door was still bolted. I had feared that my absence would worry Geor, Alarca, Dermond, or all three, and was relieved to find this fear unfounded.

The prior […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 7

Night has fallen and Alarca and Geor are still speaking with the others. I tried to join them but Geor ushered me back to my room assuring me all was right and that I should rest. It’s frustrating sitting here not knowing what horrors take place just beyond the turn in the road.It has started to rain and now that […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 6

From my room I can see little in the fading twilight but the alarm bell continues to ring. It is a distant and lonely sound, a child crying out in the night. Geor has spoken of a neighboring town only an hour’s journey away. I assume they are behind the toll of summons. Men have been passing by the inn […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 5

We have safely arrived! I cannot believe that I, or I should say that we, made it out of the forest. After finding the winding road that runs through those trees we made quicker progress and came upon a small inn. The inn is run by an older man, Geor, and his wife Alarca. The old woman seems skilled in […]

Excerpt from the Field Journal of Dr. Alex Ritter – Pt. 4

Dermond’s wound is infected. I fear for his life.

After his collapse I combed through the forest praying to find  anything that could help him until we reached a real healer. My efforts were fruitless. All that grew around us were the Elder Flowers Dermond had taught me about.

When I returned to the camp after my search Dermond was still unconscious. […]