If you live on the east coast like we do, you’re probably aware of the current heat wave. Stepping outside feels like you’re being smothered in a wet towel. So, we’re hiding in our air conditioned office, hard at work on finishing our new game, Super Nut Jump.

As part of the final push, we received an awesome theme song from Jim at Welch Compositions.

It’s always hard to articulate the song that’s playing in your head, and to allow that communication to lead the other person to the path that you’re on. In this case, it was equally hard to tell Jim what we wanted in terms of the main theme for Super Nut Jump. And our directions to Jim couldn’t have been vaguer than gems like, “Somewhere between Angry Birds and Circus,” or “Like Angry Birds, but with a wamer, more foresty sound.”

In retrospect, I should have said, “We want a main theme track that expresses the premise’s silliness, but that also reflects the arcade game inspiration of Circus, and the verdant and bucolic backdrop of Super Nut Jump.”

But Jim, like the pro that he is, somehow took our directions, read our minds, and delivered a track that hit on all the points we wanted from a main theme! We’re really happy with the song, and we’re sharing it today so you can get an early glimpse of Super Nut Jump‘s music.


Super Nut Jump (Main Theme) by Pure Bang Games